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Intuit CTOF

Case Study

The challenge


Inspire a global developers audience to work together in new ways in order to drive change and achieve the company’s vision.

Our solution

Ignite a community of world-wide developers to embrace transformational change. We worked with senior leaders, over four consecutive years, to bring the CTOF developers conference to life, managing the top five of ten global stages in a simultaneous broadcast.

Environmental Design

Constructed scalable stage designs across locations yielding a consistent environmental design for broadcasts, allowing each location to have elements of uniqueness while belonging to the global community.

Brand Design

Developed CTOF event branding and customized per location. Designed motion graphics logo animations.

Multi-Stage Management

Created a master production matrix to include minute by minute show flows for both broadcast and live stage elements to provide global synchronization.

Broadcast Logistics

Integrated stage productions with Intuit broadcast infrastructure to ensure a seamless broadcast across global locations, including multi-country virtual panels and two-way broadcasts.

The event

Since 2012, we have produced the Intuit CTOF Developers Conference which brings together four thousand product managers, engineers and designers across twelve locations and five countries.

As a multi-channel and multi-location interactive experience, the program required the highest level of precision. Our agility was tested one year as a main stage location was evacuated due to California forest fires and all content and speakers were shifted to another location overnight.

For the fourth consecutive year, our team and methodology proved to be a successful change partner, helping leaders outline a compelling strategy for the work ahead.

We supported interactive collaboration sessions so participants could put strategy into action in real-time.

Skits by different product groups reinforced content, while keeping the tone light and built a sense of community.

Simultaneous two-way broadcasts at corporate and off-site locations ensured that the entire community could participate and feel valued.

We used a variety of production methods, including video and animation, to help bring content to life.

*Event produced in partnership with Blue Goose Events


In the course of five months, the events engaged 8,000 employees, driving an 8% increase in adoption of the new service model, a 66% increase in response time and an 81% increase in services published.